September 02, 2024

Román Orús, Chief Scientific Officer of Multiverse Computing, has participated in AMETIC's roundtable


🗣️ Román Orús, Chief Scientific Officer of Multiverse Computing has participated in AMETIC's roundtable:

01-The Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Industry: Success Stories and Challenges
Hosted by Santander España and moderated by Asier Gonzalez Linaza, Director of Corporate and Institutional Business of Santander España.


Román Orús
Chief Scientific Officer
Multiverse Computing

Ángel Alberich-Bayarri
CEO | Quibim S.L

Mario García Canfrán
COO | Tupl Inc.

You can watch the roundtable at:

#santander38 #MultiverseComputing
#AI #Quantum