Le Lab Quantique – a not for profit in support of the emergence of a global quantum ecosystem – organized on April 28th, 2020, a webinar, with thought leaders in the field:
00:00:00 CHRISTOPHE JURCZAK: Introduction of Le Lab Quantique
00:06:30 – ROMAN ORUS and ENRIQUE LIZASO, respectively CSO and CEO at leading quantum software startup Multiverse will tell us about their approach of the financial use cases, and introduce us to their Quantum inspired technology based one tensor networks.
00:34:10 – NATHAN SHAMMAH, CTO at the non-profit US based Unitary Fund, lead developer of QuTiP and physicist, will share his views on Open Source development for the Quantum Computing community, and building a global Quantum ecosystem.
0:59:10 – MATHIEU MUNSCH and ALEXANDER STARK, CEO and CIO of Qnami, have co-founded one of the leading companies in the Quantum sensing sector, and will introduce us to a fascinating technology with short term applications in imaging.
Click here for the Youtube video.