April 02, 2024

2024 Poised to Be a Pivotal Year for Quantum Technologies


Quantum-inspired AI: a leap toward compact intelligence

Among the most exhilarating developments is the emergence of quantum-inspired advancements in artificial intelligence, including those that make large language models smaller and more efficient. Quantum-inspired AI promises to revolutionize the way we approach ChatGPT, LLaMA and other generative AI. By significantly reducing their size without compromising accuracy, quantum-inspired AI not only enhances efficiency but also ensures compatibility with various compression methods.

Moreover, we should see the advent of hybrid quantum machine-learning techniques that combine the best of quantum and classical technologies, operated on noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) computers. This fusion is expected to expand the accessibility of AI, enabling its on-premises deployment and unveiling an uncharted market brimming with opportunities. Can you imagine running ChatGPT on your smartwatch without access to the cloud? This could happen in 2024.

Hardware evolution: paving the way for scalability

The hardware front is set to witness substantial progress this year, building on the milestones achieved in 2023, such as IBM’s achievement of 1,121 superconducting qubits and QuERA Computing’s development of 48 logical qubits using neutral atoms.

Google also reported a quantum advantage experiment last year that successfully completed a random circuit sampling calculation using a 70-qubit quantum computer, claiming the same task would have taken 47 years on a classical computer.

Moving beyond Google’s quantum advantage benchmark, the hardware focus is shifting toward three critical areas: error mitigation, quantum error correction and scalability. These endeavors aim to construct deeper and more precise quantum circuits while safeguarding computations and eventually scaling the technology to support millions of error-corrected qubits.

The journey toward scalability, though challenging, is expected to advance this year with pioneering experiments. In this respect, 2024 may be a key year for hardware development beyond NISQ computers.

In particular, we expect to see the first quantum computers connected via quantum channels and working together as a unified quantum processor. Why build a 1,000-qubit processor if we can construct ten 100-qubit machines and connect them quantumly? The tricky part here will not only be the quantum communication but also the quality of the individual processors. Therefore, we anticipate significant advances in error mitigation for quantum processors at the 100-qubit mark. As for quantum error correction, we expect to witness the first quantum codes functioning for more than 100 qubits.

Venture capital renaissance: fueling quantum innovation

As the venture capital investment landscape undergoes a transformative resurgence, the quantum sector is witnessing a significant uptick in investor interest, with rising valuations for quantum startups and an increase in the number of deals being finalized. This activity is fueled by a broader revival in deep-tech investments, with quantum technology and AI at the forefront.

The symbiotic relationship between quantum technology and AI suggests that a surge in AI investments, spurred by the advancements in generative AI, will concurrently drive increased investments and higher valuations in the quantum domain. As such, 2024 is poised to be a year in which capital flows generously into quantum and other deep tech, bolstering innovation and development. We expect to see big checks going to quantum companies this year.

It is also worth mentioning the efforts being made in quantum investments through public funding, exemplified by recent initiatives in Germany, England and South Korea. We expect 2024 to bring many more public funding efforts, which will fuel the development of quantum technologies and leverage the release of more private funds into the ecosystem. After all, investors are starting to see business value in early quantum industry solutions—for example, in AI and optimization.

Last but not least, the current geopolitical situation is expected to lead to a boost in applications of quantum technologies in defense, along with the consequent associated investments.

A vision for the future: beyond the hype

This promises to be the year when quantum technologies transcend the hype and make tangible strides toward integration into everyday life. The synergy among quantum-inspired AI developments, hardware advancements and the influx of venture capital investment forms a robust foundation for this transformation.

As a quantum scientist and entrepreneur, I am filled with optimism about the prospects for these technologies, not just as abstract concepts but as practical tools that will redefine our interaction with the digital world. Let’s embrace this journey with open minds, ready to explore the possibilities that quantum technologies hold. After all, dreaming is the first step toward achieving the unimaginable.

By @roman Orus, co founder & CSO - EETimes